Oregon Brain Preservation
A Non-profit Organization

Manual - Software, Perfusion Monitor Config File

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Configuration of NI channels is handled by a text file that is copied into the C:\CryoPerfusionMonitor\ folder. This text file can be freely edited prior to starting the Perfusion Monitor.  When the program starts, it will load up the config file info and show it in the Startup window, where it may be slightly edited.  The exact modules names are important, as described in DAQ NI Software.


Multiple examples and backups of the text file can be found in \\Storage\Software\CryoPerfusionMonitor\.  The text below is one example:








cDAQ1,Mod1,9213,16ch thermo,ai0[TT_0. Arterial][Red],ai1[1. Venous][Blue],ai2[2. Coolant][#eef442],ai3[3. Brain][LightSalmon],ai4[4. Nasal][Green],ai5[5. Rectal][SaddleBrown],ai6[not used],ai7[not used]
cDAQ1,Mod2,9207,8chV 8ch mA,ai0[PP_0. Line Pressure][Orange],ai1[not used],ai2[not used],ai3[not used]
cDAQ1,Mod3,9263,4ch 10V out,ao0[MP_1. Carrier],ao1[P2_2. CPA],ao2[not used],ao3[not used]
cDAQ1,Mod8,9481,4ch relays,do0[solenoid0],do1[solenoid1],do2[not used],do3[not used]

#Instructions for use:
#Use the pound char (#) to "comment out" a line. Software will ignore the # lines.
#To use, copy this file to the application folder, then rename this file according to one of the following two styles:
#File name can be exactly "cDAQ Channel Assignments 2.6.txt" in order to support Alcor.
#File name can instead contain "Config" or "config". Examples might include "Config2007-03-29b.txt", "20070329config.txt", or simply "Config.txt". Only one file allowed.
#=========General Config Properties==============================================================
#These lines are for general configuration properties other than hardware channels.
#Quotes are never needed. No spaces around = sign. The properties are as follows:
#CompanyName: Shows at upper left. If it's ALCOR (any casing), it will also trigger an alternate logo
#PumpShoeSize: L/S tubing size. Only options are 14, Reglo, 16, 25, 17, or 18
#PumpRpmMax: Typically 240 or 600. Must be between 1 and 600.

#ConcentratePercentCPA: Frequently between 75 and 100. Must be between 1 and 100. v/v percent, not w/w.

#PumpGainP: 3.0 is a reasonable number for 1/4" tubing at 600RPM.  Use smaller number for smaller pump.

#PumpGainI: 3.0 is a reasonable number for 1/4" tubing at 600RPM.  Use smaller number for smaller pump.
#ShowSimulationSliders: if True, sliders will show for debugging
#PressureCalibrate0, PressureCalibrate300: Fiddle with the numbers in the Pressure Calibration window, then save them here.  Must be between 0 and 80 mV.

#ShowElapsedFlow: Default is True. If set to False, that section won't show.

#LegendY...: The following Y legend settings are supported: #LegendTempMax,LegendTempMin,LegendTempMajTick,LegendTempMinTick #LegendPressureMax,LegendPressureMin,LegendPressureMajTick,LegendPressureMinTick #LegendFlowMax,LegendFlowMin,LegendFlowMajTick,LegendFlowMinTick

#LegendX...: The following X legend settings are supported. Use time format hh:mm:ss. #LegendXLeftSpan,LegendXLeftMajorTick,LegendXLeftMinorTick #LegendXRightSpan,LegendXRightMajorTick,LegendXRightMinorTick
#==========National Instruments Hardware Channel Configuration Lines============================
#Hardware channel format is comma delimited text.
#Be careful not to use commas in the channels except to delimit columns. Never use the tab key, just spaces. Slashes etc are not allowable chars.
#Each line should be formated like this:
#Typical Example line:
#cDAQ1,Mod2,9211,4 therm chans,ai0[TT_Arterial Temp][Red],ai1[Heat Exch Res temp],ai2[not used],ai3[not used]

#Example with serial connection multi-channel pump:
#COM3,,Reglo,2 head,1[MP_1. Carrier],2[P2_2. CPA]

#ChassisName: Instead of using full chassis name, single digits are allowed and will automatically expand to cDAQ1, etc. 

#  For serial connection, use COM1, etc.
#ModuleNumber: Single digits will automatically expand to Mod1, Mod2, etc. Or specify entire name. 
#ModuleModel: 4 digit NI model. May also specify as format example "NI 9211". The only supported modules are:
# 9203, 9207, 9211, 9213, 9237, 9263, 9481, and Reglo
#ModuleComment: Optional text describing the module
#Channel: Two different formats are supported: "ai2" or "AI 2" 

#  For serial connection multi-channel pump, use 1, 2, etc.
#[DisplayedName]: Limit of about 17 char. [not used] will cause the channel to not be loaded, but is useful for later editing.
# PID Index keys - use one of the following keys, prepended to the [DisplayedName] to indicate what module channel is key
# "TT_": temperature index - used to control the temperature PID loop (NI 9211 temp sensor)
# "T2_": temperature 2 index - used by some more complex temperature loops, such as bath temperature.
# "PP_": pressure index - used to control pressure PID loop (NI 9237 press sensor)
# "LL_": levsensor index - used to indicate the main tank level (NI 9237 press sensor)
# "MP_": main pump index - used to control the main pumps rpm in the pressure PID loop (NI 9263 analog output)
# "P2_": pump two - when using mixing tube, this is the CPA pump
# Neither TT_ nor PP_ are actually pulled from the config file. They are currently ignored.
# It is simply assumed that they always exist in channel 0 of their module.
#[ChannelColor]: Can be named colors (Blue) or hex (#0000ff). No commas allowed here.
#Alcor Format is fully supported
#Extra spaces are allowed anywhere in channel configs. Malformed rows might be skipped or might load oddly.