Oregon Brain Preservation
A Non-profit Organization



Paperwork can be returned by mail or by scanning and emailing. Contact Us with any questions.


Self Preservation

Use these forms to sign yourself up for preservation. There is no initial or annual cost to be enrolled.

Fill out the Self Preservation Forms (or sign and return the paper versions: Patient Agreement and Document of Gift and Informed Consent)


Next of Kin Preservation

Use these forms if you are working with us to preserve a loved one.

Fill out the Next of Kin Preservation Forms (or sign and return the paper versions: Next of Kin Agreement and Document of Authorization)


The fees below apply both to Patients and to Next of Kin preservations. Fees do not need to be paid prior to service except in the case of cryopreservation services. The normal fees may be reduced on an individual basis if your financial situation necessitates it.


Chemical Preservation

This is our standard and best procedure for preserving the structure of the brain. There are several options


Preservation by our staff

Driving within 60 miles of Salem: $1000

Driving within 300 miles of Salem: $1500

Flying distance:

Pacific Time Zone: $3500

Mountain Time Zone: $4000

Central Time Zone: $4500

Eastern Time Zone: $5000

We will send pathology specialist(s) out to you and perform the procedure in a local funeral home. Our professionals will remove the brain for preservation and transport back to our facility to be stored permanently in liquid preservative. There are no additional fees for transportation or for cremation of the body. The cost is kept low by being partly subsidized by us, so donations are welcome. The costs may rise in the future as funeral services or transport become more expensive or if our current philanthropic support runs out. Any Standby services would be an additional cost.


Body shipment to our facility

The body can be shipped to our facility for preservation. The individual or family is responsible for coordinating this with a local funeral director who can help arrange the shipment and obtain necessary documentation such as the transfer permit and death certificate. We generally recommend placing some dry ice in the container during shipment. All associated costs for the transport services are paid directly to the funeral director. Our fee is a flat $1000, which is to help pay for transportation of the body from the Portland airport to our facility, chemical preservation of the brain, cremation of the rest of the body, and long-term preservation. For individuals who also sign up with the research program (see section below), this $1000 fee can be waived.


Remote preservation by others

Individuals anywhere in the world can work with skilled local professionals such as pathologists to perform the brain removal and chemical brain preservation procedure. All associated costs for brain preservation and funeral services are paid directly to the local professionals performing them. In this case, once the appropriate paperwork is filled out and the brain has been fixed for 3-4 weeks, the brain can be shipped to our facility and we will accept the patient for long-term preservation at no charge.


Research Program

Our research program is open to individuals in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. This is the same brain preservation procedure, with the goal of future revival if this ever becomes feasible and humane. The difference is that we will also remove two small biopsy samples, which will be transferred to our partner non-profit organization, Apex Neuroscience, to measure the preservation quality and contribute to neuroscience research. Although there are no guarantees, we do not expect these biopsies to significantly affect memories or personality. There is no cost for brain preservation if this option is chosen. There are no additional fees for transportation or for cremation of the body. Our current exclusion criteria for this program are more than 3 days after legal death without refrigeration, more than 14 days after legal death with refrigeration, or direct evidence of brain liquefaction. An additional non-required option is consent for DNA profiling, to further help research into the causes of brain disorders. To sign up for the program, please complete the appropriate above paperwork (Self Preservation or Next of Kin) and the form below.


Fill out a Research Donation Agreement (or sign and return a Paper Version)


Any individuals not in Oregon are also welcome to sign the Research Donation Agreement if they would like to donate two small biopsy samples from their preserved brain to our current scientific research projects.


Chemical Preservation and Storage in Liquid Nitrogen

This is not recommended and is considered lower quality. This method involves aldehyde fixation, immersion cryoprotection, and long-term storage of the brain in liquid nitrogen. It is more expensive because of the liquid nitrogen storage, but is also less well-validated in the scientific literature. We still offer it because some people might prefer it.

Add $15,000 cryopreservation of the entire head.

Add $5,000 for cryopreservation of the brain only.


Pure Cryopreservation

Preservation without aldehyde fixatives might be necessary if the body was straight frozen and liquid storage is not an option. It is also available if the donor prefers pure cryopreservation rather than the standard aldehyde preservation for some reason. This is not recommended and is lower quality.

Add $15,000 for pure cryopreservation of the entire head.

Add $5,000 for pure cryopreservation of the brain only.


We do not offer whole body preservation services of any kind.


Standby or Transportation

The fees above do not include any Standby expenses. 


Pet Preservation

Pet Preservation



Procedure Overview